Chicago Workers’ Compensation Lawyers & Illinois Injury Lawyers

Philip Bareck won the Appellate Court case of Dunteman v. Caterpillar

| Jun 3, 2016 | News Articles |

Philip Bareck won the Appellate Court case of Dunteman v. Caterpillar which reestablished the principle that an employee’s self treatment of a work-related injury, at home, which worsens the condition is still work-related!

The Appellate Court unanimously reversed the Illinois Workers’ Compensation majority decision which had denied benefits and determined that as long as the work accident plays “a” role in the ultimate condition, it is still considered work-related.

Bareck has been interviewed and quoted concerning the impact of the Duntemandecision on the Illinois Workers’ Compensation System and has recently spoken at the WCLA Case law Seminar and Winnebago Bar Association concerning the case.
